Thursday, October 5, 2017

Visions of Death (pt 2)

" Lupa what do you think?"  There were only two people in the room. Reginald Carperst head detective of NPD Central. Location Asinis Oras. And myself, Lupa Hunter. Consulting detective and agent of the NPD.  "Do you want the truth?" I answered back. "Yes." He answered. I took a deep breath knowing it would be long.

      "Well then, To begin the deceased were all killed by a bullet. They shows signs fatal shots from a far distance. The skulls would have shown two holes had it been it close quarters.So we're dealing with a sniper. The fires are only to cover traces.
      Grenade pins and bomb plaster are embedded within the corpses. Suggesting that not only is the killer a terrorist and arsonist but, a messenger to keep us alert. Terrorists rarely attack without telling you why. And the message is quite simple to decipher using the cause of death as the key.  Whoever did this is calling us out, as a chance for revenge." I closed my mouth waiting for a response.
    Reginald was gazed out the window into the distance. Processing what I said. I just stood there watching the sky and my boss.  It was snowing hard for the beginning of winter. One that the papers were beginning predict would be called The Scarlet Snows. Only four murders and suddenly everyone believed that more would follow. Typical human reaction of course given the circumstances. However I had a feeling they wouldn't be wrong.
    I switched my gaze to Reggie and out of habit applied a skill I learned from a book. Sherlock Holmes' famous deduction. The coffee stains, smell of tobacco and stains from a cigarette. Wait! Make that several I thought. Noticing the different ashes on his clothes.  And a recently worn through carpet trail. New frown lines, his shoulders are tense and bloodshot eyes. Slightly bigger clothes suggest gained weight. A possible four pounds,not good for his health. Diagnoses: too much time in the office. My attention snapped back to the present when he spoke.

     " I know you've deduced me Lupa. What do you think?" He turned and walked behind his desk. Falling into the chair with an exhausted groan.  "What I think Regg is that you're disregarding your health and spending more time on this case than necessary. The answer to the question about what should we do is simple. Solve the case and unmask our opponents." I said calmly as one can when playing a game of death. "Then let's get to work shall we?" He answered back .

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