Saturday, September 30, 2017

Fear locked behind closed doors

"What are you afraid of?"  

    When I was first asked that question, I couldn't answer. Truthfully anyways. Not because I didn't have any or had an endless list. It was because I couldn't tell them what really scared me. After all how did I know what I feared wouldn't scare them as well?
     My fears aren't completely ordinary. Yes I do sometimes fear stupid things like big hairy spiders,snakes or the coming apocalypse. But, those are just my default answers. No,they go deeper and make me question alot in the world. And it affects who I am, both physically and emotionally. Now I'm not going to tell you what they are or how I got them. But, I will post this poem that describes what fear is.

 (It was written by a blogger called Just Patty and she has many more amazing ones like it.) 

Related image

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Visions of Death ( Pt 1)

The news was calling them unfortunate accidents. While the NPD continued to be baffled by the the dead-ends and puzzling evidence. It was the talk of the city. Three deaths or "accidents" in one week with people who had know connection to each-other! And little did they know tonight there would be a fourth.

    The killer looked at his next targets through the sniper's scope. The Albers family. Just a 15 year old daughter and a couple of divorcing parents. Ordinary people with no specialty in the world. The perfect targets. Especially when they were fighting in front of an open window!

  He pulled the trigger. BLAM!  BLAM!  BLAM!  the bullet's instantly killing them, and unfortunately attracting the neighbor's attention.  Time to cover any traces of his presence. In one swift motion he threw a grenade through the open window and escaped! Using the fire as a distraction the killer ran off into the night, jumping over rooftops and sliding through alleys!

 By the time emergency response arrived he was gone and the apartment engulfed in flames! Watching the chaos from afar he called his boss.

  "They're dead and gone sir."  "Excellent, they'll have no choice but to send her out now."

"And our message will be seen?"  "Yes sir."

"Perfect, after all there are so many ways to bait a beast."

Saturday, September 16, 2017

My name

 The flower for Victorian lovers,  made with dignity and elegance. Colored, reflecting emotions her  petals are a gown.  Dweller of the valley is what my name means. I whisper it and hear a soft breeze, shout it and echo’s rebound surrounding me. Flower to all nations, a treasure when grown. The valley my home, a dweller I will always be.Defenseless and delicate is ruse to fool the fool.

     The sea raiders from long ago live in the  luscious cold beauty of ice and snow. Wondering, I think of their battle-filled blood. Does it run in my veins too? Two sides of a coin an and colors. Gray,I’m balanced and yet, find the peace still laced with questions. Races mixed, I’m a blend of all. Similar yet, I still strive to be different.  A melting pot of Irish,German,Norwegian,Italian,Indian. So many more I cannot count. Black and white I forever am, my heritage is a part of me.

Monday, September 11, 2017

Confessions of a big family teen

  Living in a big family isn’t something many people envision themselves doing. And yet, here I am. Living that great fantasy for some and dreaded nightmare for others. It definitely has  its pros and cons. You’ve probably heard the stories of families with major dysfunctional problems, or the ones where everyone is, and I quote(in my opinion) “ Sickly and unnervingly perfect in every-way.”  with the great life. See above, dysfunctional families, there is no perfect family! No family has zero problems. they may not show themselves easily but, they’re forever present.

    And then there’s the classic movies and shows, Cheaper by the Dozen(old and modern
versions), Brady Bunch and Sound of Music.
  Of course, my family isn’t dysfunctional(at least not in my parent’s and siblings view of life.) sure we have problems and quirks but, they don’t necessarily affect how we are to the world.
Boy, my family has almost driven me up the walls several times a day and the trouble we cause(mainly my siblings.) is considered only normal sibling bickering. Or friendly interaction(yeah right).
    As the oldest of a family with eight kids my responsibilities are big. In both size and number.  Homeschooling and having responsibilities is a-lot of work. I don’t get much time to relax but, I get a little more than my mother does. The pros to these are the fact that living in a big catholic homeschooling family. Has given me a chance to mature earlier. Once the third was born I became independent to help my mother out(mostly so she wouldn’t worry about me) with the little ones.

     In short living with a big family is hard, stressful and exhausting. The woes and pros are many but, reaping the benefits is up to you. You can either look at life with the view of a pessimist or an optimist, maybe you’ll find a different angle that I haven’t seen.  

Friday, September 8, 2017

Stormy advice

     Hey everyone I just wanted to briefly give some advice for people near a hurricane or in one.

  •   If there's a hurricane near you don't wait to evacuate. Seriously its a stupid idea! Resources won't be able to get to you and even if they are. They will be scarce!
  • Next, help the people who are recovering from a hurricane, there are 5 so take your pick. \
  • And last, pray for those in the path of destruction and don't forget to volunteer to help those in need out there! 
Hurricanes Harvey, Hose, Irma and Katia are just the start of the busy season. So be prepared for more to hit the U.S and hard.