Does It Matter?
A poll was taken to see how much American citizens knew about the Constitution and the rights protected by it. The results were shocking! Only 93% of the poll takers answered correctly while 70% answered incorrectly! A quiz was then taken by anyone from ages 18-34 and the same shocking results were found. 50% said they'd give up voting for the next two presidential elections if it would pay off their loans! A senior named Peter Berkowitz said:
“Few of the liberal arts and sciences faculty at these schools offer courses that explore the origins, structure, substance and aims of the education that they supposedly deliver. Instead they provide a smattering of classes on hot-button topics in higher education such as multiculturalism, inequality, gender and immigration. This is no trivial oversight, as the quality of American freedom depends on the quality of Americans’ education about freedom.” (Wall Street Journal)
And he's right.If Americans don't start teaching the next generations about the Constitution we will lose sight of what was won during the Revolution.
Put yourself back in the past. During the Revolution and try to live under the Britain thumb.Not easy is it? Especially when your poor and they keep raising taxes. You don't have any rights or freedom and soldiers are everywhere. Now imagine a world toady still like that. It's not hard. The Constitution,the Declaration,Congress and our government. None of it would exist. And there would still be slaves. My parents wouldn't have been allowed to marry. And I wouldn't exist. if I did though I'd be a slave. Now there would still be problems but, I can guarantee that they would be different. And just as bad! All of this shows that Americans are lazy,irresponsible,ignorant people who've been raised spoiled(I realize not everyone's like that). We've never experienced the hardships of life like war,slavery or mass destruction etc. I know there's mass shootings and constant turmoil here but, think about a life being persecuted for your race or religion. Girls are murdered if they go to school,wear shorts skirts,or any-other silly thing! Boys are forced to join the military and leave their homes at young ages! All of this is in other countries so, be glad it's not in ours!
Men and Women died to protect those rights through-out every war this country's had. World Wars 1 and 2,the Civil War, and don't forget the Terrorists like ISIS! Every person who's died protecting those rights,they're being forgotten. Because we're not trying to learn about what they died protecting! And it's still under attack today!I admit that I don't know everything about the Constitution or the Declaration. But please, don't forget how our country got these and why. By knowing this stuff we're starting on the path to give our generation a better chance. A chance to change the world for the good of everyone and thing.
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