Friday, August 25, 2017

Blue Tears (c) L.S.R

Image result for blue tears
Her tears fell down,
She made no sound
When your words cut through her
So now you wonder, 
Waiting for the reason 
She's looking beaten and seeing blue 
Never thinking it's the other you!

From dawn til dusk,
Taunts and tyranny
Follow close behind,
Intent on turning the halved black whole
Dominating her essence's role.

An empty void fits the feelings left alive
Vision clouded, unseeing
Heart racing,
Body barley thrives
Her pain the only escape...
Hope diminishes,
Red rivers run down
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(This poem is for all those who have struggled with depression or some form of self hatred or pity.)

Monday, August 21, 2017


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     Everyone in the good ole U.S.A is super psyched for the "Great American Eclipse". However,  for some this national event is viewed with superstition, and fear of the "apocalypse" or something equally bad. Because of these fears, the truth tends to get confused with myth and I'm hear to set them straight.

there is absolutely nothing to know...there is only omnipresence, infinity, absolute reality and there is no name for this. --Robert Adams


Contrary to belief, the eclipse won't bring the Apocalypse. While something bad may happen to someone,somewhere in the U.S. It doesn't mean that it was caused by the the eclipse. First some safety tips.
  Here's whats true.  
  • Yes, Looking at the eclipse with sunglasses of any kind(I don't care how strong they say they are its a stupidly dangerous idea!)will cause blindness. Instead use NASA or ISO approved glasses or even a welding mask. 
  • When you are taking pictures of the moon with any camera, it will cause irreversible damage  to both your retina's and your camera's lens. Please use only NASA approved cameras or watch it on the TV. 

  • The Apocalypse will never happen but, believe what you want. Having myths about eclipses has been around for centuries. And were originally created to help understand why the sun turned black during daylight. In Norse myths, the solar eclipse meant that Ragnarok( the apocalypse) had come. The ground would turn to ice and the sky to fire wiping out humanity and the "Gods of Asgard". The Dead would rise from the grave and Hell would come to rule the "New World". 
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  • Myths like this one are what inspired this belief, the Aztecs, Egyptians, etc. There is no Zombie Apocalypse, or Day of Retribution and in modern society we have a tendency to over react about this kind of stuff. The idea of an eternal darkness both excites us and spreads fear. Seeing as how, we as, humans have a somewhat happy/crazed view of the un-dead, war and radiated mutation.  
In short only you can decide what you believe but, please take caution when watching the eclipse.
It will only happen again in 7 years!

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

An Apology and A Promise

        Hello to my readers! I apologize for the lack of posts. I've lost my poetry book that had many stories and such that I was going to post. So my brain has been trying to create new one, remember the old and find that book! If you have any ideas for subjects you would like to read about please leave them in the comments! And I'll write either a poem or story about it!

    Since school is starting my posts won't be very frequent but, I promise to try and upload 5 posts per week. Also thank you to everyone who reads Whispering Willow!