When I think of Easter, I remember when I was young. The baskets of chocolate, bubbles and confetti. Dressing up for pictures, and a special Mass. The unexplained happiness I felt at our Lord's Resurrection. Egg hunts with friends and family, stories told about the special Easter Bunny and the joy of waiting for next year's celebration.
Of course now when I think of Easter, I think of....nothing. No unexplained joy or happiness, I disliked wearing dresses, and the Easter Bunny, pluh leez he's just a myth! Nothing from my childhood brings me that impending feeling now that I'm a teen. And I'm not the only one who feels that way.
Many others not just teens but, adults too have forgotten the true meaning of this celebration. Everyone thinks that this is just another day to receive gifts and gorge ourselves on the sweets and fatty foods of the american diet. That this day is all about ME, ME, ME! Well guess what, YOUR WRONG!
In truth however, this day belongs to one person, Jesus Christ. The man who died for our sins, to give us a chance for a brighter future and a place in his kingdom after death. The Son of God, in the form of a man. a question many Catholics or Christians get is: If Jesus was really just God in the form of man, then why didn't he save himself from being crucified? The answer is simple: Adam and Eve our first parents had sinned against God by eating from the Forbidden Fruit Tree in the Garden of Eden. In doing so they were condemned to a life of hardship and suffering, and by choosing to listen to the devil our free will became tainted.
Jesus was sent to be our redeemer, because we had lost sight of what was truly sinful and what was Just. We are all sinners, and because of this (before Jesus's death and Resurrection) we would go to Hell. However, once God/Jesus Christ had risen the gates of heaven were opened.
In short, we celebrate Easter to remember our Lord and Savior. Not ourselves, gifts or the american diet. I hope this clarifies a lot for you about what is special about this day.
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